Say It With eCards Celebrates February – Month of the Heart
February is the “Month of the Heart” at Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings Club…
What makes Say It With eCards different from the rest is that I, as a Jewish woman and Jewish Digital Artist, design under the assumption that “Jewish People Are People Too!” Those of the Jewish faith celebrate most of the same holidays and occasions that Non-Jews do. We have the same dreams, feelings, emotions and goals, etc.
With this in mind, where possible I do my best to design Judaic Themed eCards for those occasions where it would not be offensive to do so.
While the Jewish People do not traditionally celebrate Saint-related holidays, Jewish people DO love. So I found a way to have Judaic Themed Love eCards
Briefly, a list of the February Holidays, Celebrations and Acknowledgements is below:
- February 1, 2008 is National Wear Red Day
- February 14, 2008 is Valentines Day – Judaic Style
I will be writing indepth entries on each of these upcoming February “Heart” Events. As you can see… ALL are “heart” related.
Kick things off by filling out the form below.
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