Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards – It Is NOT Too Late To Send

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Father’s Day 2008 — Gone, But Not Forgotten! 

Father’s Day is such a sad time for those of us who no longer have our Dads with us.  The very last time I saw my father alive was on Father’s Day 1989.  While sometimes I can’t remember what I had for lunch, this memory is vividly etched in my mind.

I guess, missing him so much — on this day especially — prompted me to do all I could to add more designs and categories to the already jammed packed Father’s Day section of the Say It With eCard Judaic Greetings website.  The site now has 12 Father’s Day eCards categories.

The last, but not least — for this year at least — is Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards. 

Everyone seems to be out and about on Spring and Summer Weekends.  They just forget to send their cards in a timely manner and then think:  “Well, I forgot, I’ll do it next year, It is just too late for this year!” — NOT!

I designed a brand new category just for the late senders.  Check it out:

Belated Father’s Day eCards (SEE ALL HERE)

Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Jewish Themed

General Belated Father’s Day eCards – Traditional
For your sending convenience… Below is the link to the complete list of Judaic Father’s Day eCards.  Believe me… Your Dad, Father-in-Law, Uncle, Friend, Husband/Significant Other, etc. will be happy to receive one no matter what day you send it!  We all have the need to be remembered!  Don’t deprive them of being remembered!

PLEASE REMEMBER:  “We are NOT promised a next year, or even a next minute!”  SEND YOUR FATHER’S DAY ECARDS NOW!!!  (My own father died — on July 1, 1989 — on the way home from a Bermuda vacation – on the ship!)

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – English/Hebrew (more than 150 Available)

Posted With Respect & Warm Regards,

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