Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Rosh Hashanah eCards – When Staying Connected Means So Much!

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It is not even a marketing technique or tactic to tell you how important it is to stay connected in these troubled times.  While the economy is down, doom, gloom and sadness have become the norm… staying connected to those we care about has become even more important.

One just does not always know what is going on with someone else.  Not everything is shared and your Rosh Hashanah eCard can be the light at the end of an otherwise dark tunnel!

2 for 1 Anniversary / Rosh Hashanah Offer

With this said… Say It With eCard Judaic Greetings is offering a “Full” FREE annual membership with “each NEW signup!”

What this means is:  Sign up for a “NEW” annual Say It With eCards Club membership at $19.95 and you will receive the option to receive an additional FREE “annual” Say It With eCards Club membership you can either use yourself — in you need two email addresses — or you can gift it to a friend, loved one or business associate! Imagine the joy that would bring… especially if the recipient would not or could not buy it for themselves!

2 for 1 Anniversary / Rosh Hashanah Offer Specifics:

It’s not too late to sign up; It’s not to late to send your Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year eCards.  In fact… did you know… You can send your Jewish High Holidays eCards anytime from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. 

Check out the…
Say It With eCards Rosh Hashanah 2 for 1 offer here:

L’Shana Tova to you and yours.  May you and yours be written and sealed for a good, sweat year.  May we all be here again next year… same time … same place … to do it all over again!

Life is a celebration… Share it with others!

Shalom / Shabbat Shalom / Gut Yomtov in advance.

Warm regards,

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