Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Purim eCards Reminder – Say It With eCards Newsletter

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Subhead:  March 19, 2008 Say It With eCards Club Newsletter – Purim eCards Reminder With Links

WIN/WIN — You are encouraged to share this newsletter in its entirety with all those you feel might have an interest.  You can also post it on your website or blog, if you have one and want to share.  Thank You.  Roz

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 – 2:50PM EST
Dear Say It With eCards Members:
Just a quick reminder with the Fast of Esther and Purim in less than 48 hours.


1) March Holiday Updates and eCards Links
     a) Fast of Esther — March 20, 2008 (BEGINS sundown 3/19/2008)
     b) Spring Begins / Judaic Style — March 20, 2008
     c) Purim — March 21, 2008 (BEGINS sundown 3/20/2008)
     d) Easter / Interfaith Collection — Sunday, March 23, 2008
         (Easter & Passover combined for blended families)

2) April Preview
     a) Passover — April 20, 2008 (BEGINS sundown 4/19/2008)
     b) Earth Day / Judaic Style — April 22, 2008 

3) Affordable Membership Fees – less than 6 cents


March 20, 2008 (BEGINS Sundown March 19, 2008)
Fast of Esther — Easy Fast eCards

March 20, 2008
Spring Begins

March 21, 2008 (BEGINS Sundown March 20, 2008)

March 23, 2008
Easter / Interfaith Collection — March 23, 2008 (SEE ALL)
(Easter & Passover combined for blended families)


APRIL PREVIEW  (there may be more here)

Passover — April 20, 2008  (BEGINS Sundown April 19, 2008)

Earth Day (Judaic Themed) — April 22, 2008
SEE ALL HERE / Judaic and Non-Judaic  


In the blink of an eye things can change…  Be there IN eCards when you cannot be there in person!

In the scheme of things, with the economy the way it is.  At $19.95 / LESS THAN 6 cents per day, Say It With eCards provides an economical way to keep in touch with friends, relatives, loved ones, business associates/colleagues and those separated in wartime.

Whether your recipients are next door,  or on the other side of the world, or away at war… you can communicate with all with the click of a mouse – NEVER leaving the comfort and safety of your home or office.

Sending and/or scheduling eCards to be send on a special date… is probably one of the only ways you DO have control of when your message(s) will arrive!

TO JOIN Say It With eCards / or RENEW Your Membership:

COMPARISON – Postal Service vs eCards

Questions, suggestions, comments… please feel free to drop me a

note at any time.  Remember… I am only an email away!
Send email to:  mailto:roz@SayItWithEcards.com
For quicker delivery, please format the email like so:
SIWE_Your Subject/Title Goes Here

I would like to take a quick moment to thank you for your loyalty, dedication and patronage.  More is on the way!

Chag Purim Sameach – in advance!

Roz (718) 671-1891
Roz Fruchtman – Owner/Designer
Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings
NOW OFFERING… Almost 4,000 Judaic Themed eCards
Find Out What’s New & Exciting at Say It With eCards
NEW BLOG: http://www.SayItWithEcards.com/blog

Warm Regards… With wishes for an Easy Fast & Happy Purim to one and all.

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