Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

FREE World Kindness Day eCards – Pass It On…

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Subhead:  World Kindness Day – Today and Everyday!  I DARE YOU to… Pass It On!

Today is “World Kindness Day!”  If we ever needed a time to be “kind to each other” it is NOW!

I whipped up a collections of “World Kindness Day eCards” in BOTH Judaic and NON-Judaic themes. 

The World Kindness Day eCards may be sent FREELY from the Say It With eCards website.

CLICK the link below, to view the Kindness eCards:

The FREE versions of the “World Kindness Day eCards are clearly labeled with “Little RED labels to the LEFT of their thumbnails.”   They are created in a variety of colors, therefore, appropriate for everyone.

BTW, this ENTIRE WEEK is “World Kindness Week!”


What do you think of this thing called “World Kindness Day?”

In my opinion, “Everyday” should be “World Kindness Day!”  Perhaps we would not have all the trouble we have now in the world! 

Wishing you and yours much kindness and love,

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