Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Judaic eCard Reminders to Change Clocks – What a Great Way to Stay in Touch

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Subhead:  Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday March 9, 2008 at 2AM.  What a great opportunity to stay in touch while sharing an important message and reminder!

Always wanting to stay current and on top of things — in order to provide members and visitors the greatest eCard sending opportunities — Say It With eCards is offering a variety of Judaic Clock Changing Reminder eCards.

Take this opportunity to touch base with friends, loved ones, family members and business associates while reminding them to change their clocks, cell phones, VCR’s, microwaves, watches, etc..  Trust me — it NEVER fails — there is ALWAYS that one clock that falls by the wayside and gets forgotten!  Your recipients will simply love you for reminding them!

I remember a time — many years ago — when I actually wound up in work “an hour early!”  If you knew me, you would know how unusual that was!

Check out the Say It With eCards collection of Judaic Themed Clock Changing Reminder eCards using the links below.  The eCards were designed in two flavors:  Judaic and Non-Judaic.

Sunday, March 9, 2008 – 2AM
Judaic Daylight Savings Time eCards Reminders / 
Spring Ahead eCards — MOVE clocks FORWARD one hour

On a more personal note:  This is my most favorite time of the year.  To me, receiving an extra hour of daylight is like a “Gift from God!”  It’s free, and it is all ours for the taking!  As a digital artist, its a tremendous opportunity to get out there between the hours of sundown and night fall to just snap away!


Warm Regards,

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