Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Shabbos, Clock Change Reminders, Purim eCards – Say It With eCards Newsletter

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Below is the Say It With eCards Newsletter – Saturdy, March 7, 2009

WIN/WIN — You are encouraged to share this newsletter in its entirety with all those you feel might have an interest.  You can also post it on your web site or Blog, if you have one and want to share.  Thank You.  Roz

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dear Say It With eCards Club Members:

Shabbat Shalom to You and Yours!

The weather here is New York City is superb!  It’s not exactly sunny, but warm.  I slept in today as I walked almost 3 miles yesterday and I guess it caught up with me. 🙂 

My goal is “to put MYSELF back on MY OWN… “To-Do-List!”  WE ALL need to do that!  Maybe I will create some cards as reminders to send to friends, family, loved ones, business associates and EVEN OURSELVES!  We just need to be reminded sometimes “to take care of us!”  IF we do not fill ourselves up with love and caring we have nothing to give others! 🙁

“WE ARE our biggest Cheerleaders!” ~ Roz Fruchtman
“We SHOULD BE our biggest cheerleaders!” ~ Roz Fruchtman


This is a busy few days for all of us.


Today, is Shabbos.  It’s still not too late to send a Shabbat
Shalom eCard out to those you care about.


SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2009 at 2AM – CHANGE CLOCKS (Sandard Savings Time)

We “Spring Ahead” this Sunday and turn ALL our clock ahead 1 HOUR at 2AM

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!  I truly do love this time of year.  I get to go out later in the afternoon or evening and come back when it is still light out!


NOTE: As always, for events that are not specific to the Jewish Community the eCards are designed in both Judaic and NON-Judaic themes — for your NON-Jewish recipients.

IMPORTANT REMINDER / ALERT: Don’t forget to change the clocks on your VCR’s, Computers – some may need to be done manually; Microwaves, Pedometers, Phones, Cameras, etc.

PURIM, MARCH 9, 2009

Purim begins at SUNDOWN, on Monday March 9, 2009.

Below are the direct links to the Purim eCards.  I had planned on adding Hebrew Purim eCards, but have had some computer issues.  However, the Purim eCards do reflect the traditional Purim Symbols – The Megillah, Hamantashen, Groggers, Crowns, Masks and last but not least Patriotic Purim eCards to help keep our Troops close in our thoughts and hearts.


That’s it for now. 

REMEMBER – “Relationships are our #1 Support System” ~ Roz Fruchtman.


I feel blessed and honored to be able to provide such a “low cost” method of communication.

IF you sent out 100 paper cards it would cost you well over $300 dollars.  Even in the dollar store it would cost you over $100 dollar, NOT including stamps and all the schlepping.

You can send out “unlimited” eCards from you Say It With eCards club membership.


I am always interested in your comments, suggestions and corrective criticisms or anything else you have to say.  I cannot fix what I am not aware of!

I have had the privilege and honor of meeting some of you personally via phone. It is a true pleasure and a blessing in my book! 🙂


If you are using any of the Social Networking systems, you can connect with me:

Follow me on Twitter:

Be my Friend on Facebook:


Questions, Comments, Suggestions…  send email to:

Please put SIWE_ at the front of the subject title

EXAMPLE:   SIWE_subject goes here

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me the honor of serving you.  In these troubled times it is truly a blessing to be able to provide a VERY low cost solution to keep in touch on holidays and everyday. 

Since this is Saturday and the NEW Week will start after Shabbos, I will wish you a Gut Shabbos & Shavua Tov! (A good week!)

Don’t forget, I am here if you need me.  I will do my best to help in any way I can.


Roz / Bronx NY (718) 671-1891
Roz Fruchtman  ( @SayItWithEcards – Twitter ID )
Owner/Designer / mailto:Roz@SayItWithEcards.com
Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings / http://www.SayItWithEcards.com
NOW OFFERING… More than 4,000 Judaic Themed eCards


All comments, suggestions, compliments and EVEN corrective criticisms are welcome and encouraged.

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