Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Rosh Hashanah eCards: It’s NOT Too Late to Send Yours — Jewish New Year Begins in Less Than 24 Hours — Say It With eCards Newsletter

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WIN/WIN — You are encouraged to share this newsletter in its entirety with all those you feel might have an interest.  You can also post it on your web site or Blog, if you have one and want to share.  Thank You.  Roz

 Thursday, September 17, 2009

 Dear Say It With eCards Members:

 As always… I hope this special newsletter finds you and yours doing well.

 I absolutely cannot believe another year has come and gone!  For sure… it was the strangest or should I say “most interesting” year ever — with all the trouble our country is in, which overflowed into our own personal lives.

 But you know what…
“Relationships ARE Our Number One Resource and Support System!”

Money comes and goes, but loved ones, good friends, family, business associates are irreplaceable.

 In the tough times (and the good times) it was always those closest to me who were there through thick and thin.


On a really personal note… 

I feel so blessed to be here with you and so proud each time I see
one of my Judaic eCard designs being sent to your beloved recipients. 

 Thank You for allowing me the privilege of indirectly celebrating your special occasions as well as acknowledging your sad times through my Judaic eCard designs and services.


With Rosh Hashanah beginning in less than 24 hours and to make your life a little easier.  Below are the direct links to the Rosh Hashanah eCards collection — ALL Seven Categories.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Rosh Hashanah eCards CAN be sent UNTIL Yom Kippur.

Here are the *direct links* to the Rosh Hashanah eCards.


Rosh Hashanah eCards / SEE ALL

Rosh Hashanah eCards / General

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Hebrew

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Hebrew 5770 (Dated)

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Hebrew – Patriotic

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Patriotic

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Pink Ribbon (Honoring Jewish Breast Cancer Survivors and Breast Cancer Awareness)

Rosh Hashanah eCards / Tribute to 911 (remembering the Jewish people lost on 911 and their families)


NOTE:  I will write back in a few days with the Yom Kippur / Easy Fast eCards links.  ALL these eCards are in the member area… just waiting for you to send if you want to schedule them in advance.


Questions, suggestions, comments… please feel free to drop me a note at any time.  Remember… I am only an email away!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I will be taking off for Rosh Hashanah.

Send email to:  mailto:roz@SayItWithEcards.com

For quicker delivery, please format the email like so:

SIWE_Your Subject/Title Goes Here


This is one of those months where you will hear from me more often. There is a lot going on between September and October…

 DON’T FORGET… October is *Breast Cancer Awareness Month.*  There are lots of pink ribbon eCards in the member area – Judaic and Non-Judaic.

Shabbat Shalom & L’Shana Tova…
May You & Yours Be Written and Sealed for a Good, Sweet, Year!

Roz (718) 671-1891

Roz Fruchtman
Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings / http://www.SayItWithEcards.com
NOW OFFERING… More than 4,000 Judaic Themed eCards
Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year 5770
Over 200 Jewish High Holidays eCards Available


Follow Me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SayItWithEcards
Friend Me on Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/RozFruchtman
Link Up With Me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/RozFruchtman

Luv & Hugs,

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