Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Category — Sweetest Day eCards

Sweetest Day – The Mystery of It All!

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Today, October 18, 2008 is “Sweetest Day!”

Since I deal in feelings and design eCards, it disturbs me that hardly anyone knows about Sweetest Day!

Maybe it should appear on our calendars.  Hmm… Who does one call to get a holiday added to our calendars?  Anyone?

It just seems to me…  with all the doom, gloom, genuine fear, fear tactics, etc. flying around these days… it would be nice to have something cheerful and pleasant to celebrate! 

While we should do this everyday…

What better day than “Sweetest Day” to tell those who have been “sweet” to us how much we appreciate them.  Now, there are many versions of sweet – kind, patient, helpful, thoughtful, caring, you can add your own to the list.  In fact, comment here and share them with all of us.

“I, Roz…  appreciate YOU!!!  YOU are sweet!”

Got a moment, please visit:
Say It With eCards / http://www.SayItWithEcards.com

Warm regards,

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October 18, 2008   No Comments

Sweetest Day eCards… IF You Do Not Have The Words, Let Say It With eCards Greetings Say It For You!

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Today, Saturday October 18, 2008 is Sweetest Day…

Coming from a family who rarely offered a kind word, any encouragement or emotional support or stability… Sweetest Day and its meaning is NOT lost on me!  What about you?

Sweetest Day is one of the official times to say how much you care. IF you do not have the words, “your Say It With eCards Greeting will say it for you!”

Sweetest Day is even more important in the uncertain times we are presently experiencing.

Consider this… “Your Sweetest Day eCard could be the light at the end of an otherwise dreary day!” While this might sound silly, there IS a lot of loneliness going on right about now as people are trying to figure out what to do!

Say It With eCards not only offers eCards for traditional Jewish holidays, events and occasions, but also focuses on those universal / national holidays and days of acknowledgement that most celebrate.  Thus, Say It With eCards offers Judaic Themed Sweetest Day eCards.

As a bonus…  Those Non-Jewish holidays I can tastefully design for are usually designed in both Judaic and Generic /  NON-Judaic Themes.  I do this so members are not inconvenienced when they have a Non-Jewish recipient.

CLICK for Sweetest Day eCards – Judaic and Non-Judaic eCard Designs


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October 18, 2008   No Comments