Category — National Prayer Day eCards
Free National Day of Prayer eCards – Roz Decides to Help!
I’m back…
I decided I did not want to be a part of the National Prayer Day observance problem.
Therefore, in order to do my part in helping those who choose to… to celebrate and/or observe National Prayer Day, I just uploaded two free National Prayer Day ecards to the Say It With eCards member area. One card is Judaic themed, one is traditional or non-Judaic. So there are absolutely no excuses! I thought it, I did it! There are no other Judaic Themed National Prayer Day eCards on the web!
There are just some things we cannot put a price on! Prayer is one of them!
Free National Prayer Day eCards
April 29, 2008 No Comments
National Day of Prayer for All – Jewish Too!
I am not sure about this, but there seems to be a bit of controversy of who the National Day of Prayer targets.
I choose not to get involved in the politically correct aspect of National Prayer Day, however, being a digital artist and running a Judaic themed website opens the door for me to provide Judaic Themed National Day of Prayer eCards — and so I did! There is no need for those of the Jewish faith to feel left out of such a powerful day!
I design under the theory of: “Jewish People are People Too!” We celebrate most of the same holidays, events and occasions that the rest of the world does – with exception, of course.
Here are the Judaic Themed National Day of Prayer eCards I designed and uploaded to the Say It With eCards member area last evening.
Judaic National Day of Prayer eCards
Life is too short. Don’t stand on ceremony to pray! Join in today!
With Warm Regards,
April 29, 2008 No Comments
National Prayer Day eCards – Judaic Themed
Subhead: National Prayer Day is May 1, 2008.
I just uploaded four new National Prayer Day eCards to the Say It With eCards member area. Two are Judaic themed, two are non-Judaic. On non-Jewish holidays, I usually design in both flavors. Check them out, two include the Serenity Prayer.
National Prayer Day eCards
I feel more compelled to do these since I have developed my own relationship with God and realize how very important prayer is. For this I am very grateful.
I used to think, why would God answer my prayers when I do not pray much. A friend told me… “God loves all his children!” That was about five or so years ago. Since then I have developed my own relationship with God and do not feel odd praying and asking for help. Most times I just pray to say how grateful I am for all the many blessings I have! Thank God, I can see them all now — the blessings, I mean.
Enjoy the cards.
Warm Regards,
April 29, 2008 No Comments