Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Category — Father’s Day eCards – Judaic

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – The Many Faces of Dad – Say It With eCards Newsletter

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WIN/WIN — You are encouraged to share this newsletter in its entirety with all those you feel might have an interest.  You can also post it on your website or Blog, if you have one and want to share.  Thank You.  Roz

Saturday, June 19, 2010 (Erev Father’s Day)

Dear Say It With eCards Members:

First let me apologize, I was scheduled to send this earlier today, but I’ve been experiencing technical issues from the time I arrived at the computer – so much so, it robbed me of the beautiful day outside, BUT… It’s all good… I THINK after an entire day I’ve solved the problem. It was quite a challenge, with much learned — It was email related…

I hope you enjoyed your Shabbos and that is was restful, joyous and filled with abundant love — even if it was your own.  Love is where it all begins… especially our own!


It’s hard to believe Father’s Day is here again.<sigh>  It was the last time I saw my own father alive — on Father’s Day 1989! It seems like just yesterday.  He died two weeks later on the way back from a Bermuda Cruise.

On a happier note… Say It With eCards offers an abundant collection of Judaic Father’s Day eCards in many flavors — For sure, something for everyone! (English and Hebrew)

For your sending convenience here are the direct links to
all the Father’s Day eCards.

Father’s Day Judaic eCards Categories

Father’s Day eCards / SEE ALL HERE

Father’s Day “Belated” eCards – It’s NEVER Too Late
Direct Links to Specific Judaic Father’s Day eCards Categories

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Brother

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Brother-in-Law

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Father

General – Non Judaic




Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Father-in-Law

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Friend

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Grandfather / Zayde

judaic Father’s Day eCards – Hebrew

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Husband / Significant Other

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Patriotic

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Son

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Son-in-Law

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a small collection of NON-Jewish Father’s Day eCards for your NON-Jewish recipients.

I try to add NON-Jewish designs as a courtesy for Say It With eCards member’s so they do not have to go elsewhere when they need a special card. This is ONLY done for those holidays where I can design NON-Judaic tastefully. Father’s Day is one of these holidays.


Last Minute Father’s Day Gift For The Father Who Has Everything.

A Say It With eCards Membership For Dad!!!

Those of you who are members need no explanation of what a Say It With eCards Club membership offers, but here is a link for a quick refresher to 18 of the site’s benefits.


A Say It With eCards Club membership is truly the “gift that  keeps on giving” with each and every eCard sent and received!

If you have any questions about how a Gift Membership is processed please contact me.  I should be close by all weekend!

Send email to: mailto:Roz@SayItWithEcards.com

Format:  SIWE_subject goes here

This is for quicker delivery and response.


Please let your friends, relatives, loved ones, business associates, etc. know about Say It With eCards.  I thank you in advance for your efforts.  I am so thrilled to be able to serve you.  As you can see the categories are never ending. My motto… IF I can think it, I can design it!


Contact me at:  mailto:Roz@SayItWithEcards.com

Format the email like so:  SIWE_subject goes here

THANK YOU… for the privilege and honor of allowing me to serve you and your treasured recipients!

Shalom & Happy Father’s Day to those it applies to!

REMEMBER:  Friends, acquaintances, business associates, bosses, etc. are fathers too!!!


Roz (718) 671-1891
Roz Fruchtman – Owner/Designer / mailto:Roz@SayItWithEcards.com
Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings
Now Offering More than 4,000 Judaic Themed eCards
Find Out What’s New & Exciting at Say It With eCards

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June 19, 2010   No Comments

Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards – It Is NOT Too Late To Send

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Father’s Day 2008 — Gone, But Not Forgotten! 

Father’s Day is such a sad time for those of us who no longer have our Dads with us.  The very last time I saw my father alive was on Father’s Day 1989.  While sometimes I can’t remember what I had for lunch, this memory is vividly etched in my mind.

I guess, missing him so much — on this day especially — prompted me to do all I could to add more designs and categories to the already jammed packed Father’s Day section of the Say It With eCard Judaic Greetings website.  The site now has 12 Father’s Day eCards categories.

The last, but not least — for this year at least — is Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards. 

Everyone seems to be out and about on Spring and Summer Weekends.  They just forget to send their cards in a timely manner and then think:  “Well, I forgot, I’ll do it next year, It is just too late for this year!” — NOT!

I designed a brand new category just for the late senders.  Check it out:

Belated Father’s Day eCards (SEE ALL HERE)

Belated Judaic Father’s Day eCards – Jewish Themed

General Belated Father’s Day eCards – Traditional
For your sending convenience… Below is the link to the complete list of Judaic Father’s Day eCards.  Believe me… Your Dad, Father-in-Law, Uncle, Friend, Husband/Significant Other, etc. will be happy to receive one no matter what day you send it!  We all have the need to be remembered!  Don’t deprive them of being remembered!

PLEASE REMEMBER:  “We are NOT promised a next year, or even a next minute!”  SEND YOUR FATHER’S DAY ECARDS NOW!!!  (My own father died — on July 1, 1989 — on the way home from a Bermuda vacation – on the ship!)

Judaic Father’s Day eCards – English/Hebrew (more than 150 Available)

Posted With Respect & Warm Regards,

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June 15, 2008   No Comments

Hebrew Father’s Day eCards For the Jewish Father

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Subhead:  Say It With eCards offers up a new selection of Hebrew Father’s Day eCards

I suppose I should not admit this, but as a Jewish American Digital Designer/Artist, I do not read nor write Hebrew.  I did not come from a highly religious or even religious family.  Oddly enough, this is what makes what I am doing today that much more mystifying and exciting — to me.

My desire to change the way the online Jewish Community — and those having the need for tastefully designed Judaic eCards — communicate prompted me to do my best to research and learn what I can to incorporate and provide more Hebrew within the Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings website.

I will gladly admit, it has become more fun as I become even more familiar with the Hebrew Alphabet.  With each new achievement, it is like a shot in the arm to do more and better!

Today I uploaded a new selection of Hebrew Father’s Day eCards in time for Father’s Day.  The nice thing about the Internet is that most wait until the very last minute to send or even start to look for their special holiday eCards or eGreetings.

At Say It With eCards there are always enough Judaic eCards designs to select from and many take advantage of the feature to program in advance — thus not waiting until the last second when life’s joys or challenges might interrupt, thus making them forget that importnat occasion and bring disappointment to their beloved and cared for recipients.  Then again… Others still wait until almost the last second, “because THEY KNOW… THEY CAN!”

With Say It With eCards more than 4,000 Judaic Themed eCards there is always something for everyone and every occasion — even those sad occasions we hope we never have to send eCards or any kind of cards for – Judaic Sympathy / Condolence eCards.

My designs are prompted by life and life comes in all shapes, sizes and forms — the good, the bad, the joyful and the sad.

Check out Say It With eCards Hebrew Father’s Day eCards here:


OR here:


IMPORTANT PERSONAL NOTE FROM ROZ:  Father’s Day has a special place in my heart — one intertwined with joy and heartache.  The last time I saw my father alive was on Father’s Day 1989.  He passed away two weeks later on the way back from a cruise to Bermuda.  He died on the ship!

PLEASE HEAR ME… if you listen to nothing else I say… PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the opportunity to keep in touch with your family while you can!  Nothing is promised to us in this life!  I know that all family life is not a bowl of cherries – mine surely was note – but do what YOU CAN so there will be NOT GUILT later on!  I am sure we all know what Jewish Guilt is like!  The only thing good about my father’s passing was that MY GUILT DIED WITH HIM!

Say It With eCards / aka Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings  offers more than 100 Judaic Father’s Day eCards in Eleven Categories/11 Categories.  Check out the entire selection here:

Judaic Father’s Day eCards / Jewish Father’s Day eCards

Shalom & Happy Father’s Day.

With Warm Regards,


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June 14, 2008   No Comments