Love Makes The World Go Round – Mammography Day, Bosses Day and Sweetest Day – Say It With eCards Newsletter
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Friday, October 16, 2009
Dear Say It With eCards Members:
As always I hope all is well with you and yours!
The next few days are dedicated to topics of love and caring. Say It With eCards provides a variety of eCards for the topics below in both Judaic and NON-Judaic themes. Please read on:
FIRST — Today, Friday October 16, 2009 is National Mammography Day
This day is dedicated to spreading the word worldwide to schedule an annual mammogram. Breast Cancer is an equal opportunity disease and can occur anywhere, anytime to anyone (even men)! Early detection is the key defense! SEND Mammography Reminder eCards TODAY and SAVE LIVES!
SECOND — Today, Friday October 16, 2009 is National Bosses Day
Say It With eCards offers Judaic Bosses Day eCards, because:
“Jewish Bosses are Bosses too and they deserve their own specially designed Bosses Day eCards and recognition.
AND… In these times of economic challenge,
Bosses Day eCards are HUGELY more significant than ever! 😉
THIRD — Saturday, October 17, 2009 is Sweetest Day
In *the old days* one would think of Sweetest Day for their wife, husband or significant other. Thank G-d… today… We’ve awoke to the real importance of relationships.
Sweetest Day eCards can be sent to — Loved ones, family members, friends, colleagues, even acquaintances and those we know only in passing, etc.
Say It With eCards offers a huge selection and variety of eCards so I feel confident you will find something for your individual and specific needs in the Member Area. If not… just ask. I don’t promise, but I will do my best to make it happen!
Sweetest Day – General
Sweetest Day – Love
Sweetest Day – Friendship
REMEMBER: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Questions, suggestions, comments… please feel free to drop me a note at any time. Remember… I am only an email away!
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SIWE_Your Subject/Title Goes Here
May your weekend be relaxing, joyful, pleasant and safe.
Shabbat Shalom to You and Yours,
Roz (718) 671-1891
Roz Fruchtman
Owner/Designer /
Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings /
NOW OFFERING… More than 4,500 Judaic Themed eCards
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