Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Passover Greetings – Proper English and Hebrew Passover Greetings

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Recently many have asked… “What is the appropriate greeting to use on Passover / Pesach.  There are quite a few. 

NOTE: Pesach is Hebrew for Passover

English Passover Greetings

  • Happy Passover

Hebrew Passover Greetings

  • Happy Pesach — Happy Passover
  • Gut Yomtov — Happy Holiday
    •  Response — Gut Yomtov, Gut Yohr — Happy Holiday, Happy Year
  • Chag Sameach — Happy Holiday
  • Chag Pesach Sameach — Happy Passover
  • Chag Kasher V’Same’ach — Wishing you a Happy and Kosher Holiday
  • Chag Kashruth Pesach — Happy Kosher Passover or Happy Kosher Pesach

Hope this list of English and Passover Greetings is helpful.  If it were me, I would choose the greeting appropriate to the recipient.  In other words…  if the person understands Hebrew use a Hebrew one, if not… you may want to use either Happy Passover, Happy Pesach or Chag Pesach Sameach. 

If you have any English or Hebrew Passover Greetings to add, feel free to comment below.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or corrective criticisms I would love to hear those as well.

Chag Pesach Sameach in advance,

Roz Fruchtman
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April 1, 2009   No Comments