Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Category — Todah Rabah

Thank You For Being You – January is National Thank You Month

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DID YOU KNOW… January is “National Thank You Month?”

Friday I updated the Say It With eCards website for 2010 ~ YIPPEE!  There is just something magical about the sound of 2010!  Don’t ya agree?

Anyway… While researching holiday dates I happily discovered “January is National Thank You Month!”  Isn’t that just the best news?

It’s been bothering me for the longest time… We just DO NOT say “Thank You” enough.  We just don’t!  Everyone needs to hear those two sweet words as much as possible.  I don’t care how well adjusted people are… No one wants to feel used, abused or taken for granted! As I always say:  “We are human beings first!”

I’ll be decorating the Say It With eCards website from our Thank You / Todah Rabah collection.  BTW, Todah Rabah means “Thank You in Hebrew!”

Stay tuned,

Happy New Year 2010,
Thank You For Reading, and
Shavua Tov! (Shavua Tov means “Have a Good Week in Hebrew!”

Looking forward to hearing your comments on National Thank You Month!  Isn’t there someone you can thank today?  DO IT NOW!

By the way…


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January 3, 2010   No Comments