Category — Mammography
FREE National Mammography Day Reminder eCards Saves Lives
Today October 15, 2010 is National Mammography Day
IMPORTANT NOTE: The “Third Friday” of October is set aside each year in a NATIONAL effort to remind every women you know to schedule their annual Mammogram. Early detection is a key defense in the fight against Breast Cancer.
REMEMBER: Breast Cancer is “An Equal Opportunity” Disease! While Breast Cancer is more common in women, men get Breast Cancer too! So all you men out there GET CHECKED!
FREE Mammography eCards Reminders
As a public service Say It With eCards offers FREE National Mammography Reminder eCards. These Mammography eCards are designed in both Judaic and NON-Judaic themes. They can be found at the direct link below:
FREE National Mammography Day eCards
Please take a few moments “NOW”to send all the women in your life a FREE Mammogram REMINDER eCard. The eCard you send may be the one that saves a life.
Please post your comments below. I would love to hear from you!
Luv & Hugs,
Roz Fruchtman
October 14, 2010 No Comments
Breast Cancer Get Well eCards – Wishes for a Speedy Recovery
I just designed and uploaded a new collection of Get Well eCards to the Say It With eCards Member area.
These eCard designs include the “pink ribbon” associated with Breast Cancer Awareness.
While the eCards may be used for anything, they were designed with those recovering from Breast Cancer in mind.
Check them out here:
Breast Cancer Get Well eCards (See All)
Judaic Breast Cancer Get Well eCards
NON-Judaic Breast Cancer Get Well eCards
While I hope these eCards are never sent, they are here for anyone who has the need.
As always, your comments and opinions are requested. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them as well. Even corrective criticisms are welcome. I cannot fix what I am not aware of.
Best wishes for your health and the health of your loved ones and those you care about!
December 15, 2008 No Comments
Breast Cancer Awareness eCards – FREE In The Moment Reminders
Subtitle: FREE Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness eCards Reminders – Can Save a Life!
I can’t write enough about this as it is so very important to each and every one of us, not only for ourselves, but for everyone we know.
One of the “great things about eCards” is they are “great in-the-moment” reminders.
This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With all the ruckus about the stock market crashing, upcoming presidential elections, dirty presidential campaigns, etc., etc. we just get caught up in it all and forget about our health.
As my way to give back and help in the prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer in Women and Men… Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings if offering a FREE collection of Breast Cancer Awareness eCards to be sent from the web site. Send as many or as few as you want.
The site offers Judaic Themed Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbon eCards as well as General / Non-Judaic Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness eCards. The FREE eCards come in both flavors.
Here is the direct link. Once you get there, just scroll… The FREE eCards are easy to recognize with the little RED Label to the LEFT of each thumbnail. Just click on the image and customize.
What are you waiting for… GO … SEND … OUT … Breast Cancer Awareness Reminder eCards… NOW!!!
With warm regards and wishes for a happy, prosperous and safe future,
October 12, 2008 No Comments
Stock Market Crash of 2008 Eliminates Breast Cancer
If you are reading this I peaked your curiosity… GOOD, that was my intention…
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer is a killer of both women and men.
Breast Cancer is not prejudice whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, etc.
Breast Cancer is not prejudice if you are Jewish, Christian, Protestant, etc.
Breast Cancer is an “equal opportunity killer!”
I run a Judaic eCards website. I have been tracking… Since October 1st my site has been accessed “two times” for Breast Cancer Awareness / Pink Ribbon eCards.
It’s NOT about the cards or how many were sent from my site this year. It’s about the fact that people are so involved in what is going on in the stock market — and rightly so — that they are NEGLECTING their health and the health of loved ones, friends, family and business associates.
You may ask… “How do I know this, am I clairvoyant, a mind reader!” NO… my site is ranked high in the engines for all keywords related to Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Awareness. Now that the Jewish High Holidays are over, I have been taking a closer look at my tracker results. So I am sure of what I am saying…
I am NOT saying that people do not care. What I am saying is that people are distracted by the economy and the upcoming election – as I said… these are important issues and life changing issues. However…
NOTHING is more important than one’s health! Money comes and goes. Money can be made. HEALTH… cannot always recover and/or be restored!
Well… you might think… “What can I do about other’s health?” That’s easy… SEND a reminder eCard. As silly as this may seem… YOUR eCard Reminder COULD “save a life!” It could jerk someone into action to schedule an appointment for an annual checkup, a mammography, etc. Early detection CAN and WILL save lives!
Say It With eCards is offering FREE Judaic / Non-Judaic Breast Cancer Awareness eCards.
For your FREE Breast Cancer Awareness eCards (Judaic / Non-Judaic) please visit:
Scroll Down… the FREE Pink Ribbon eCards are clearly labeled by a small RED label to the LEFT of the thumbnail image. CLICK the image, customize the card and send it to all those you know and care for! It’s as simple as that!
Enjoy the rest of you day and your life.
Warm regards for a happy, healthy and prosperous future,
October 12, 2008 No Comments