Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Category — Say It With eCards

Yom Kippur History: History of the Day of Atonement

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Yom Kippur 5771– The Day of Atonement – Begins at Sundown, Friday September 17, 2010.

As Yom Kippur is a Fast Day, it is traditional to wish those observing… “An Easy Fast.”

It is traditional to prepare a festive meal before the Yom Kippur fast?

The fast lasts from sundown Friday, September 17, 2010 — (which is known as Erev Yom Kippur) until sunset Saturday, Septmeber 18, 2010— which is about 25 hours. Candles are lit before leaving for temple services.

On this day G_d seals our fate for the coming year. (On Rosh Hashanah our fate is written in the Book of Life, and on Yom Kippur our fate is sealed!) We spend Yom Kippur in prayer, asking G_d to forgive us for our misdeeds and give us a good year.

 As part of the Yom Kippur service — the eve of Yom Kippur — we honor our departed loved ones by lighting a memorial candle (Yahrzeit light). A memorial service is conducted the day of Yom Kippur which is called Yizkor. Each departed sole is memorialized with a different prayer, filling in the departed person’s name in Hebrew. As part of the service, the person donates to a charity in memory of their departed loved ones — which is sent in after the holiday is over.

Yom Kippur, is also known as the Day of Atonement. It is the holiest day of the Jewish faith. While the holiday is considered solemn, it is a happy day because we receive G_d’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of others — Friendship and love is more powerful than the wrongs that were done. When we receive the forgiveness of G_d, it is a sign of His eternal, unconditional love.

Forbidden Practices

On Yom Kippur, we not only fast but are prohibited from:

  • Working ~ No work is conducted on this day — just as none is on the Sabbath.
  • No eating or drinking.
  • No lotions or perfumes.
  • No marital relations.
  • No washing for pleasure.
  • No leather shoes.

 The Kol Nidre is the most important prayer of the Yom Kippur evening service. The prayer is chanted three times so that even people who are late arriving may be able to hear it. The first time, the Hazzan chants Kol Nidrei, it is chanted very softly, the second time it is chanted a little bit louder, and the third and final time he raises his voice louder and louder. Kol Nidre is chanted before sunset because dispensation from a vow may not be granted on the Sabbath or on a festival. Kol Nidre absolves us of any vows we make in the coming year.

Musaf is the afternoon service which lasts most of the afternoon. During Musaf the Amidah is recited in silence while standing facing east. Parts of this service are song to melodies that go back far into our history. During this service we recall the story of the Ten Martyrs who were killed by the Romans for studying the Torah. We also remember all the Martyrs everywhere who gave their lives so that our religion may continue.

As our judgment is being sealed, and the holiday of Yom Kippur is coming to a close, the final prayer of Neilah is chanted. Neilah, which means, The Closing of the Gates of Heaven. symbolizes that the future of each person will be sealed for the coming year and the Gates of Heaven will be closed. While we were closer to G_d during the Ten Days of Penitence, G_d will remain close to us throughout the coming year — at all times, and in all places. During Neilah, the doors of the Ark remain opened and the congregation must remain standing.

Throughout the Neilah service we pray to G_d to seal us in the Book of Life. From the start of Rosh Hashanah, we asked G_d to inscribe us in the Book of Life. As the Day of Judgment draws to a close, we pray to G_d to seal us in the Book of Life. As the light of day diminishes and this sacred day is coming to a close a great spiritual feeling overtakes the entire congregation. Neilah concludes with the recital of the Eternal Shema Yisroel. At this moment the single, long blast of the Shofar is sounded. Yom Kippur concludes with the words Next Year in Jerusalem — The fast is over with the sounding of the Shofar!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that it was enlightening.

Yom Kippur eCards

Say It With eCards offers a good-sized collection of tastefully designed Yom Kippur eCards as well as Easy Fast eCards and G’Mar Chastima Tova eCards.  You can find them all by visiting the Say It With eCards website at:


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!

As we are still celebrating the Jewish New Year 5771 ~ May You and Yours Be Written and Sealed For a Good Sweet Year ~G’Mar Chasima Tova!

Say It With eCards – http://www.SayItWithEcards.com offers something for everyone ~since everyone is an individual! 


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

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September 14, 2010   No Comments

Yom Kippur eCards: What Is the Greeting Used On Yom Kippur?

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Say It With eCards offers a tasteful and elegantly designed collection of Yom Kippur eCards, but…

First a little history:

Yom Kippur – also known as the Day of Atonement – is the holiest day of the Jewish faith.

On Yom Kippur G_d seals our fate for the coming year.  It is said: “On Rosh Hashanah our fate is written in the Book of Life, and on Yom Kippur our fate is sealed!”

We spend Yom Kippur in prayer, asking G_d to forgive us for our misdeeds and give us a good year.

While Yom Kippur is considered a solemn occasion, it is a happy day because it is the day we receive G_d’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of others — Friendship and love is more powerful than the wrongs that were done. When we receive the forgiveness of G_d, it is a sign of His eternal and  unconditional love.

Yom Kippur Greetings
  ~ What Is The Traditional Yom Kippur Greeting?

Each year I am asked the same question:  “What is the greeting used on Yom Kippur?”

The two main greetings are:

Have an Easy Fast ~ Traditionally a Jewish Person fasts on Yom Kippur for a period of approximately 25 hours.  This is not an easy task for many, so “wishing them an easy fast” is not only respectful it is tradition!” 

Yom Kippur Easy Fast eCards

G’Mar Chasima Tova ~ “May you be written in the “Book of Life” for a good year!”

Traditionally… On Rosh Hashanah one’s fate is written in “The Book of Life” for the coming year ~ On Yom Kippur it is Sealed!  So it is a blessing to say:  “G’Mar Chasima Tova!”

G’Mar Chasima Tova eCards

NOTE:  G’Mar Chasima Tova is the greeting used during the time “between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!”

Yom Kippur eCards

Or you may choose to send traditional Yom Kippur eCards.


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!

As we are still celebrating the Jewish New Year 5771 ~ May You and Yours Be Written and Sealed For a Good Sweet Year ~G’Mar Chasima Tova!

Say It With eCards – http://www.SayItWithEcards.com offers something for everyone ~since everyone is an individual! 


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

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September 14, 2010   No Comments

Judaic Grandparents Day eCards: Jewish Grandparents Day eCards for Bubbe and Zayde, OR For Bubbe Alone, OR For Zayde Alone

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Reposted from Grandparents Day 2008
~ I could not even out do myself by editing!

Today, Sunday September 12, 2010 is Grandparents Day.

As mentioned above:  The blog post below was initially written on Grandparents Day 2008, therefore, one or two things applies to that  year specifically!

Whether you are blessed to have two Grandparents or blessed to have just one… DO NOT let this day pass without acknowledging those special people known to you as either Bubbe and Zayde or Grandmother and Grandfather.  (Whether you see them regularly or not, JUST KNOW… hearing from you TODAY would bring the greatest joy! Especially if they are not even aware that today is Grandparents Day!)

I have never had children of my own, but as a friend I observe what my friend goes through not seeing or hearing from her beloved Grandchildren. 

It is harder now for her as her son passed away suddenly almost a year ago — at 43.  For a brief moment (a few weeks) my friend was reunited with her Beloved Grandchildren as they mourned together.  But after the initial period of mourning was over, things went back to the way they were — silence from the Grandchildren.  They are not bad Grandchildren, life happens and they are just busy with their own lives.  As we all know much too clearly — sometimes painfully… life takes its peculiar twists and turns and people are not here forever.


My passion and mission in life has become to “provide an easy way for YOU to communicate with those you love, care for,  just meet or know forever!  Say It With eCards is “your personal” 24/7 greeting card service — use it anytime, from anywhere!

I was not lucky enough to know my Grandparents, so perhaps through my eCards I can get to know yours! (not personally, but my eCards can bring them joy)

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Always taking into account life’s twists and turns…  I designed in a variety of categories:  For both Grandparents;  For just Bubbe or Grandmother;  For just Zayde or Grandfather.  Each of these categories has been broken down further – Judaic and Non-Judaic eCards.  This is done as a courtesy to the Say It With eCards membership so they may have Grandparents Day eCards for their Non-Jewish recipients.

CLICK the links below to visit Say It With eCards collection of Grandparents Day eCards.

Wishing You & Your Grandparents, Friends and Family Warm Regards,


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!

As we are still celebrating the Jewish New Year 5771 ~ May You and Yours Be Written and Sealed For a Good Sweet Year ~G’Mar Chasima Tova!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

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September 11, 2010   No Comments

FREE Rosh Hashanah eCards: Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, It’s Just Like Getting a FULL Year’s Worth of Judaic eCards for FREE

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It’s Say It With eCards 4th Anniversary and Rosh Hashanah 5771 all bundled into one great big celebration for the Say It With eCards website! 

What better time to have a Buy 1 Get 1 Promotion!  It’s the BIGGEST Judaic eCards sending time of the year. 

How Does It Work?

Sign up for an “Annual” Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings membership and receive an ADDITIONAL “FULLY Featured” Membership for FREE Judaic eCards Complimentary.

What Could I Do With a Second eCard Membership?

Either GIFT the second membership to someone you care about or keep it yourself IF you need two memberships for some reason ~ perhaps one for business and one for personal use.

Consider This:  IF you sign up BEFORE Rosh Hashanah your recipient will be sending their Jewish New Year eCards FREE due to your generosity.  It’s the “gift that keeps on giving!”

NOTE: The second membership is ONLY good for one year and “does NOT” renew automatically.  The recipient MAY renew it if he/she wishes after the year, but YOU…  “WILL NOT” be charged anything for the second membership upon renewal!

Check it out here:


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!

L’Shana Tova in Advance ~ May You and Yours Be Written and Sealed For a Good Sweet Year!


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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

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September 5, 2010   No Comments

Roz Shares Her Take On eCards And The Environment

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I wrote a version of this Blog Post for Blog Action Day 2008. It is as true today as it was then. 

If you know me, you know I am an advocate for eCards.  As we all know… “Life can change in the blink of an eye!”  We can’t always be there in person, but “with a few keystrokes” we CAN be there via eCards ~ whether next door or across the world!

Not Just Quick

eCards are not only quick, they are “environmentally friendly!”

The “original post” is below: “eCards and the Environment!”

My name is Roz Fruchtman.  I am a Bronx NY Digital Artist with a passion for digital art and design.  Not having formal training as an artist it took me a while to accept the title.

In my day…  artists were those who were born with sketch pads and paint brushes in their chubby little hands — Not literally of course!  However they had a flair for art and design from childhood and continued to develop it through formal education.  I had none of this, therefore, had a problem accepting the title early on.  I have since learned that artists come in many shapes and forms and I wear the title Digital Artist with dignity and pride!

Like most my life was changed  by the Internet.  I no recognize the person I used to be!  I now see a person who is creative, giving, caring and deeply concerned with making a difference and giving back to the community.  In my case giving back to the community is through my art.

To see where all of this is leading and how it relates to  Blog Action Day and Saying The Environment… Please Read On!

 After my experience or lack of finding Judaic images on the web, I learned I could create my own.  Like most I put them up free.  People liked them and wanted to use them.  Shocked because I did not know I had this skill, I was more than a little flattered and encouraged to do more.

Six years ago I had a dream to provide a better way for the online Jewish Community and those having a need for Judaic-Themed Greetings to communicate.  I envisioned what is now known as my Judaic eCard Club:

Say It With eCards / http://www.SayItWithEcards.com

Initially it never occurred to me that besides the speed with which the eCards are delivered and the time and money saved that this action could positively impact on the environment at large.  However after much thought I realized that Electronic Greeting Cards — known fondly as eCards — are a great tool to help the environment prosper.


  • Eliminate the need to cut down trees. Paper is not needed for electronic eCards except when printed to keep for sentimental reasons.  (At the cost of paper greetings, we all hope our cards will be kept around for awhile, however, that is not the case most of the time unfortunately.)
  • Eliminate the paper of the greeting carditself as eCards are electronic and the only time they are printed is when the recipient wants to save them as a momento.
  • Eliminate the paper of the evenlope.  Everything except post cards are sent in paper envelopes.  Even if the paper greeting card is kept, the envelope is more often than not thrown out in the trash.
  • Elimnate the paper of the stamp.  No stamps would be used as the eCards are sent electronically.
  • Elminate the fumes from the gasoline used when the sender travels to the store or mall to purchase their greeting cards

Won’t you join Blog Action Day and make a difference!  Share your thoughts on the environment and how you can make a difference.  You are no doubt doing something now with little or no effort!

Go to http://www.BlogActionDay.com and sign up.

HELP US to bring awareness to saving the environment. WE CAN ALL help!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

THANK “YOU” for taking the time to read this.  I hope you will click on one of the buttons below the post to share it with others!


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Luv and Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman

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September 1, 2010   No Comments