Judaic eCards For "Busy" People

Category — Valentines Day

Valentines Day is NOT Just For Lovers – Roz Fruchtman Speaks Out

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My name is Roz Fruchtman.  I am the Owner/Designer of Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings / aka Say It With eCards at http://www.SayItWithEcards.com

To be quite honest… before I came to the web, tapped into my emotions and deep compassion for others and ultimately started designing and creating eCards / Judaic eCards it probably never occurred to me that Valentines Day is NOT just for lovers and significant others. 

Valentines Day IS a day to reach out and “show appreciation, compassion and love” to everyone:  loved ones and significant others, of course; friends; family; business associates and acquaintances.  People are the same whether they are in couples or single.  They should not be treated differently or thought of as different because they are alone.

The way the media — TV, Internet, Newspapers, etc. —  address Valentines Day many find the day depressing instead of full of joy.  Why?  Because not everyone is alone by choice – whether they have not met Mr. Right / Ms. Right or their special Mr. Right / Ms. Right is no longer in their lives – for one reason or another.  No one should be made to feel insignificant or different because of their circumstances relating to their love life.

For this reason, since I can do something to help… at Say It With eCards I am offering a variety of Valentines Day eCards.  On the site it is called either Love in February or Valentines Day Judaic Style as Valentines Day is not a Jewish Holiday per se.  But… Jewish People Love, and these Judaic Love eCards are designed especially for them and their recipients.

Check out Say It With eCards collection by clicking the links below:

Everyone is important and everyone should be remembered.  These holidays are a time to reach out and say hello, I’m here for you, I love you.  With Say It With eCards you can always find the right Judaic eCards for the right moment.

If you need help on what to send to who, please feel free to contact me.  I am only an email away.

Happy Valentines Day / Happy Love in February / Happy Valentines Day Judaic Style

Warm Regards,

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February 14, 2008   No Comments

Roz Fruchtman of Say It With eCards on BronxNet TV

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I am so excited!  I was interviewed on Wednesday morning by Daren Jaime, the host of BronxNet’s TV program “OPEN!”  They were doing a segment on “Valentines Day Culture!”  I was asked to talk about Say It With eCards and Valentines Day.

What a thrill, to finally be validated for all the hard work I have done for the past seven years with Judaic eCards.  It was such an empowering experience.

I’ve never done TV before, so was not sure what to expect.  They made it very comfortable and I felt like I was having a cup of coffee with a friend.  THANK YOU to all who made this possible!

It’s funny… when you do an interview you really have no idea how it looks or sounds to the public.  So far, I have not embarrassed myself – Thank G-d!

As well I was able to finally get some exposure for my Troops Project.

I watched the interview this evening.  I have to admin, in the short time I was there, I did myself proud.  I am looking forward to the next one and the one after that!

I will do my best to get the video to post on the Say It With eCards website.  Stay tuned!


Quoted directly from the OPEN website:

OPEN is shot LIVE from BRONXNET’s studios and invites viewers to participate through phone or email. The show builds on the station’s mission to provide useful information to the Bronx public, while helping young adults develop media careers.

Thanks for sharing this exciting experience with me.


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February 14, 2008   No Comments

Say It With eCards Celebrates February – Month of the Heart

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February is the “Month of the Heart” at Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings Club

What makes Say It With eCards different from the rest is that I, as a Jewish woman and Jewish Digital Artist, design under the assumption that “Jewish People Are People Too!”  Those of the Jewish faith celebrate most of the same holidays and occasions that Non-Jews do.  We have the same dreams, feelings, emotions and goals, etc.

With this in mind, where possible I do  my best to design Judaic Themed eCards for those occasions where it would not be offensive to do so. 

While the Jewish People do not traditionally celebrate Saint-related holidays, Jewish people DO love.  So  I found a way to have Judaic Themed Love eCards

Briefly, a list of the February Holidays, Celebrations and Acknowledgements is below:

I will be writing indepth entries on each of these upcoming February “Heart” Events.  As you can see… ALL are “heart” related.


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January 27, 2008   No Comments